Thursday, August 12, 2010

HOPE CEO Visits Volunteers in Haiti

While at a medical site in Haiti, we received a special guest: Dr. John Howe, the president and CEO of Project HOPE. We also treated the highest number of patients so far in one day.

Dr. Howe arrived in Porte de Paix as part of a tour of Haiti. Check out his personal blog. Arriving in Port-au-Prince, he toured the well-known Hôpital Albert Schweitzer before flying to Cap Haitien and then to Porte de Paix.

HOPE team member Dr. Manish Oza served as the tour guide throughout the Lycée Tertulien Gibauld, giving Dr. Howe a first-hand look at our medical, deworming and education stations.

Dr. Howe greeted all the team members at the site, warmly thanking them for bringing their expertise to Haiti. At the medical station, Dr. Howe lauded team nurse practitioner Sandy McCormack for her service.

“You’ve really gone above and beyond the call of duty,” he said.

“Well, it’s really my family who are going above and beyond (for letting me part with them for so long),” Sandy demurred.

Dr. Howe also met with Mayor Gaston Estima, who heartily thanked him for HOPE’s actions in Haiti, and in Porte de Paix in particular.

Soon after, Dr. Howe took a helicopter from the landing zone to the USS Iwo Jima, where he met with the ship’s top brass, including Commodore Negus and Captain Chassee.

Meanwhile, those at Med Site 1 were busy breaking a record.

We helped 633 (patients) yesterday,” Chief Chubb had announced at the morning muster. “My goal is 650 (today).”

Some personnel upped the ante, shouting that we could serve 700.

So imagine our surprise when we shattered both goals. At the end of the day, we saw 802 patients. Of those, we had dewormed 610 and filled 1424 prescriptions.

Not a bad day.

Story and photos by HOPE volunteer and PAO, Eric Campbell

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