Thursday, May 6, 2010

Prosthesis Work Continues in Haiti

It was a very quiet day today with no clinic patients scheduled to be seen. I left my dorm and arrived at the clinic at about 0800. After opening up the necessary doors and putting my things away I sat on the veranda for a few moments, observing the day as it went by. As I sat there I wondered if we would have any unscheduled visits or if I could take off and go for a scenic nature walk on this very beautiful sunny, hot day.

Spencer one of the prosthetist arrived at the clinic just about the same time I did. Before heading to the laboratory where he makes prosthesis, he stopped and chatted with me for a short while. After chatting for about one half hour or so he went to the lab and started putting prosthesis together. It was at this time that I decided I would stay at the clinic even if no patients showed.

Most of the Hôpital Albert Schweitzer /Hanger clinc volunteers went to Cange a 2.5 hours drive East of Deschapelles to cast and fit patients at another hospital. Other volunteers, including myself, stayed behind to organize the office, and to be available for possible new admits. One volunteer, Jean, a Haitian-born prosthetic technologist, went to visit his birth parents some distance outside of Deschapelles. Jean who presently lives in the United States was adopted at a very young age about 20-25 years ago. With much, much coordination that initiated in the United States, Jean was able to embark upon the 10-12 trip to visit his birth parents for the first time since his adoption. This is so exciting but also so scary. I can't wait to hear reunion stories. Jean returns tomorrow late evening, I hope I won't need to bring tissues. Stay tuned.......

Thanks for reading-Project HOPE volunteer Joy Williams

Photos by Allison Shelley

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